Still working...

Traveler_eBook_CoverI don’t know about you, but I need a little bit of excitement in my quarantine. If you’re looking for some escape, too, Traveler, the first book Traveler Chronicles is now FREE on Kindle for 5 days!If the book receives 50 downloads, I’ll make the second book in the series, Prisoner, free for 5 days as well!

That’s two-thirds of the story totally free to you, for hours of socially-distanced entertainment!

If you’ve never experienced the Traveler-verse, now is the perfect time to get started. If you have, download a second copy to have in your phone for emergencies, and forward the link to a friend who needs a good read!

Free ebook promotion ends May 17, so don’t delay!


Download the ebook for free at this link.

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