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The second book in the Traveler Trilogy, “Prisoner,” will be released August 1st. And here is your first look at the cover!

Thanks to Terri LeBlanc of Second Run Reviews for hosting the cover reveal. Jump over to her site to read an exclusive Prisoner excerpt and register to win signed copies of both Traveler and Prisoner!

About Prisoner:

Prisoner takes place about a year after the events of Traveler. True to his word, Trav Becker has retired from dimension-hopping and settled into a normal life. At least, as normal as the life of a police detective can get.

As the book opens, Trav is racing against time to solve the kidnapping of two little girls when a dying version of himself from another stream of reality collapses at Trav’s door. Drawn into a paranormal conflict that involves multiple versions of Trav, Sam, and the psychic Morgan Foster, but desperate to solve the abduction, Trav must reawaken his power to travel among parallel realities, risking not only his own life but the very structure of time itself.

Prisoner will be available for pre-order in a few weeks.

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