Still working...
You know, it really IS bigger on the inside.
You know, it really IS bigger on the inside.

What better way to spend Star Wars Day than at a sci-fi convention! I recently experienced my first Demicon and had a blast. Met a ton of nice people, saw some awesome cosplay, and even sold a few copies of Traveler.

I also hosted some panels, which was definitely the highlight of the weekend. Thanks to everyone who participated in some lively discussion. I am especially grateful to my co-presenter for the “Finding Time to Write” session, the great David Pedersen. Find him on Twitter at @got_angst or at www.gotangst.com.

Sera Alexander, the Demicon program chair, took time out of her busy schedule to talk Geek Culture with us, and I appreciate her working me into her hectic weekend. 

As promised, I compiled notes and the resources we discussed during the sessions.  Find them at this link.

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