Still working...

It’s been 24 hours since the iPhone 6+ arrived, and my feelings are mixed. 

It’s a beautiful phone, and surprisingly lightweight for its gargantuan size. I swear it’s twice as big as my iPhone 5. 

The Big Guy’s first outing was to function as a Keynote remote at a presentation I was giving. The big screen showed my presenter notes in what appeared to be 14-point type, a treat for my aging eyes.

I do a fair amount of speaking onstage, and this device should be far easier to handle and less obtrusive than an iPad, and even better than the Nexus 7 that has been my go-to handheld teleprompter.  

The screen is gorgeous, and I can imagine the phone largely taking the place of the iPad for on-the-couch IMDB-ing. It’s not that much smaller than my Kindle, and definitely easier to hold for reading than a full-size tablet.

But one-handng the phone feels perilous. It’s top-heavy and if I’m activating the Touch ID (which is awesome, by the way), and not steadying the phone with my other hand, I’m worried it’s going to flip right out of my palm. I haven’t gone for a jog with it yet, and I worry that the pockets in my running gear aren’t deep enough to hold it securely.

It may be time to resurrect the fanny pack. 

As for Bendgate, that’s just Internet noise. Anything will bend if you put enough pressure on it. The phone is plenty sturdy. 

But talking on it? It feels like I”m holding a Big Chief tablet to my head.

Of course, the big advantage to the 6+ is the superior camera, but I haven’t really tested ithat yet. 

Bottom line is, the phone is great when I’m stationary, but when I’m in motion, dropping it is a constant worry.

On the other hand, if that keeps me from texting while walking, maybe I’ll bump into things less.

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