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More positive press for Traveler.

Two recent reviews say some nice things about Traveler:

“a fun novel that fans of either sci-fi crime fiction or can see themselves shifting into.”

“Overall, Traveler is a strong first novel. The traveling between parallel universes is neatly explained and the plot draws you in. Mystery lovers and science fiction fans should get a kick out of the novel. Traveler by Dennis W. Green gets a solid thumbs up.”

I am particularly honored to be the first book review on the new blog, Second Run Reviews. I’ll be watching that site for a lot more great content in the future! 

Thanks to Terri LeBlanc of Second Run, and also to Jeff Charis-Carlson from the Iowa City Press Citizen for sharing their thoughts!

“Follow the Red Shift and pick up Green’s ‘Traveler.'” Iowa City Press Citizen, Dec. 6, 2013.

“Review: Traveler by Dennis W. Green.” – Second Run Reviews, Dec. 11, 2013

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