Still working...

 “Oh, too bad your reading is (insert date and time here). I can’t make it that night.”

In doing my best to take away all possible excuses for not buying Traveler, I am pleased to announce that the book will be launching on TWO   consecutive nights in Cedar Rapids.

On Wednesday, Nov. 6, The Writing Lads will be the undercard for THE author event of the fall, a rare joint appearance by Grand Masters Ed Gorman and Max Allan Collins, two of Iowa’s finest mystery-thriller authors, at Mystery Cat Books.  Ed has a new Dev Conrad thriller out, and Max has “Ask Not,” the latest featuring my all-time favorite detective, Nate Heller.

This will be the first opportunity to purchase a physical copy of “Traveler,” but honestly, if you can’t buy ’em all, grab Ed and Max’s books first. Then, you’ll have to fight me for a place in the autograph line.

Mystery Cat Books is owned by one of my oldest friends, Todd Meyer, and his wife Ruth (not to mention the cat). I am very grateful to Todd for letting me tag along on an event featuring two of my writing heroes.

Then, the VERY NEXT NIGHT, Nov. 7, Rob, Randon, and I will be reading from our work at New Bo Books, which gave us our very first public exposure last spring. There will be copies of Traveler  there as well, and if we’re lucky, Rob and Randon will read from their latest (very cool) projects.

Time and location information on my events page.  Watch this page and Facebook for the Iowa City launch, and other events around the state!

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