Still working...

I’ve been in New York for a couple of days attending the Music Personnel in Public Radio conference.
Because… Well, KCCK is a jazz radio station, and jazz is music, right?

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that most public music stations ate classical music stations, and to say that this group is classical-centric is like saying saying young New Yorkers kind of like to wear black.

I am the ONLY person here not from a classical station. In fact, when word got around what my station was, people kept coming up to me and asking, “What are you doing here?”

That said, I’ve picked up some good stuff, and when I started telling people I knew Grammy award-winning composer and Cedar Rapids native Michael Daugherty, my stock really went up.

Although I am still the only one in the room who found the title of the event “A Concert Featuring Music from Living Composers” amusing.

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