Still working...


  • Overview and Introduction
    • I use Scrivener in novel writing
    • Also any long-form writing project (ICJF)
    • Many use it for Academic Projects
  • Creating A Project
    • Templates
    • Areas of the the Screen
      • Binder (combines, wp, notes, web pages, etc.)
      • Inspector
        • Notes (document & Project)
        • Keywords and meta-data
        • Labels & status
        • Word targets
        • Split Screen
        • Full Screen
  • Live Demo
    • Music of Sci-Fi essay for PerihelionSF
      • Divided into separate text documents
        • Don’t have to search whole document for the part I want to work on
        • Research folder – Websites, pictures
        • Split Screen
        • Project Statistics – Between 3 and 4K
        • Full Screen – No distractions
        • Compile
          • Separators
          • Transformations
          • Footnotes and endnotes
          • Choice of WP and Display Formats
    • Iowa City Jazz Festival Stage Script
      • Example of a unique use
        • Structure that repeats
        • Way easier to duplicate document and move around that block, copy and paste the text.
    • Prisoner
      • Novel Format
        • Naming/numbering scheme for scenes and folders
          • Scene/beats names don’t compile
          • Synopsis
          • General notes
          • Document notes
          • Labels and Status
          • Corkboard View
            • Move scenes around
          • Corkboard View
            • Nice Pictures
        • Research Folder
          • Characters
          • Places
          • Some templates are offered. You can find others online.
          • Outline View
      • When it’s time to submit, export as a word doc. Or, export first 3 chapters and outline of the rest.
    • Compiling (Prisoner Final Mobi)
      • My publisher doesn’t know much about ebooks, so I took care of it.
      • When I received the final edited manuscript, I created a new project, and pasted all the material in, just as it would look for the paper book.
        • Included Front Matter
        • Tweaked the Compile Style quite a bit
          • 3-space indent, rather than 5.
          • KindleGen
    • Other Cool things
      • Insert images and graphics
      • Footnotes/endnotes
      • Table of contents automatically generated.
  • Online Resources
  • Purchasing